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How can Kafka Streams throughput be increased?

Currently ~70 records/s will be processed on a single node with a single Kafka broker. The throughput is low, as is the CPU utilisation and the memory usage. My topology:

    .cogroup { _, current, previous: ProjektAggregat ->
            projekt = current.projekt,
            wirtschaftseinheit = current.wirtschaftseinheit,
            mietobjekt = current.mietobjekt,
            projektErstelltAm = current.projektErstelltAm
    .cogroup(projektstatus.groupByKey()) { _, projektstatusEvent, aggregat -> aggregat + projektstatusEvent }
    .cogroup(befunde.groupByKey()) { _, befundAggregat, aggregat -> aggregat + befundAggregat }
    .cogroup(aufgaben.groupByKey()) { _, aufgabeAggregat, aggregat -> aggregat + aufgabeAggregat }
    .cogroup(durchfuehrungen.groupByKey()) { _, durchfuehrungAggregat, aggregat -> aggregat + durchfuehrungAggregat }
    .cogroup(gruppen.groupByKey()) { _, gruppeAggregat, aggregat -> aggregat + gruppeAggregat }
    .aggregate({ ProjektAggregat() }, Materialized.`as`(projektStoreSupplier))

I've tried to increase different size to feed more data to my stream:

  • cache.max.bytes.buffering: 52428800
  • max.request.size: 52428800 but they didn't measurably help.

How can I increase throughput to achieve optimal system utilisation?


  • With the following properties I could speed up processing by factor 4 by increasing I/O throughput:

    # consumer
    max.partition.fetch.bytes: 52428800
    max.poll.records: 5000
    fetch.min.bytes: 5242880
    max.request.size: 52428800
    batch.size: 200000 100
    # common
    cache.max.bytes.buffering: 52428800

    Increasing parallelism to 20 on a 24-core system I further could achieve an optimal CPU utilisation of 80% and speed up the processing further by a factor of 9: 20