I have wired up a Python 3.8 lambda function as a custom resource in a cdk stack. The stack ran and triggered off the lambda execution. However on subsequent updates to the stack it does nothing to call the lambda custom resource.
This is the lambda
def lambda_handler(event, context):
print('lambda executed')
print('request: {}'.format(json.dumps(event)))
return { 'PhysicalResourceId': "1234" }
This is how it is wired up in the stack
from constructs import Construct
from aws_cdk import (
custom_resources as cr,
aws_lambda as _lambda,
cust_res_lambda = _lambda.Function(
self, 'crLambda',
res_provider = cr.Provider(
on_event_handler= cust_res_lambda
CustomResource(self, 'cust_res',service_token= res_provider.service_token,properties={"curr_account":"4563563","curr_region":"us-east-1", "res_id": ''})
Why isn't the custom resource lambda getting called the second time I deploy the cdk stack?
TL;DR Because your resource hasn't changed.
docs: When you associate a Lambda function with a custom resource, the function is invoked whenever the custom resource is created, updated, or deleted.
In other words, CloudFormation (which lurks behind the CDK abstraction) will invoke your Lambda when the Custom Resource is added to the stack, deleted from the stack, or has its properties changed.1
So, if you want your flavour2 of CR Lambda to be invoked on every deploy, include a timestamp as a property. The timestamp value will change each deploy, causing the CR Lambda to fire with an update event.