I would like to access iOS Healthkit, eventually Android too but cannot find out a successful way to do it. Online I've seen advice pointing to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/ios/platform/healthkit which is for xamarin and not MAUI, but the methods in the example are not found. This is the code:
private HKHealthStore healthKitStore = new HKHealthStore ();
public override void OnActivated (UIApplication application)
ValidateAuthorization ();
private void ValidateAuthorization ()
var heartRateId = HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.HeartRate;
var heartRateType = HKObjectType.GetQuantityType (heartRateId);
var typesToWrite = new NSSet (new [] { heartRateType });
var typesToRead = new NSSet ();
healthKitStore.RequestAuthorizationToShare (
void ReactToHealthCarePermissions (bool success, NSError error)
var access = healthKitStore.GetAuthorizationStatus (HKObjectType.GetQuantityType (HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.HeartRate));
if (access.HasFlag (HKAuthorizationStatus.SharingAuthorized)) {
HeartRateModel.Instance.Enabled = true;
} else {
HeartRateModel.Instance.Enabled = false;
HKObjectType.GetQuantityType (heartRateId);
Seem to be missing. Has anyone got a working example for MAUI?
These two methods in the documentation you refer to are outdated, you can modify your method as follows:
HKQuantityTypeIdentifierKey.HeartRate; ---> HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.HeartRate;
HKObjectType.GetQuantityType (heartRateId); ---> HKQuantityType.Create(heartRateId);
For more details, you can refer to:
HealthKit Namespace | Microsoft