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Type Arguments and Bounds in Scala

I have the following example:

import scala.concurrent.Future

trait MyTrait[F[_]] {

  case class Test[X[_]](x: X[Int])

  def test[G[_]]: F[Test[G]]

class LocImpl extends MyTrait[Future] {


  def test[Option]: Future[Test[Option]] = {
    Future { new Test[Option](Option(1)) }

Which fails compilation due to the reason that:

Type argument Option does not have the same kind as its bound [_$2]

I'm binding the generic type on the test function to Option and binding the trait to Future. So what is the problem here?


  • For the reference, the beginning was here: Scala Higher Kinded Types for Traits and Method Parameters

    Option in def func[Option]... is not scala.Option, you're just defining a new type parameter calling it Option, it's the same as def func[A]..., you just called A Option, which shadows scala.Option.

    This is a difference def func[A] (definition site) vs. func[A] (call site) i.e. whether A is a new type or known type.

    It's better to use scalacOptions += "-Xlint:type-parameter-shadow" to avoid shadowing known types.

    What causes this type error in a pattern guard for matching list of tuples

    Strange Error with String in Scala 2.12.7

    Type parameters applied to Scala Function

    And since def test[Option]... is the same as def test[A]..., errors are understandable. Test[Option] aka Test[A] doesn't make sense because of a disagreement in kind. Option(1) aka A(1) doesn't make sense either.

    So it should be just

    def test: Future[Test[Option]] = {
      Future { new Test[Option](Option(1)) }

    without type parameter. But then you break overriding. You seem to want having G an abstract type (to be implemented in inheritors) rather than method's type parameter (when the method must be defined for arbitrary G)

    trait MyTrait[F[_]] {
      case class Test[X[_]](x: X[Int])
      type G[_]
      def test: F[Test[G]]
    class LocImpl extends MyTrait[Future] {
      type G[A] = Option[A]
      def test: Future[Test[Option]] = {
        Future { new Test[Option](Option(1)) }

    It's similar to having G a type parameter of the type class

    trait MyTrait[F[_], G[_]] {
      case class Test[X[_]](x: X[Int])
      def test: F[Test[G]]
    class LocImpl extends MyTrait[Future, Option] {
      def test: Future[Test[Option]] = {
        Future { new Test[Option](Option(1)) }