I'm quite new to UE, so I'm seeking for some help! Currently I'm working on HUD and faced some issues with Progress Bars. The goal is pretty simple, I need to change a background image of Progress Bar during runtime. According to my logging everything is working but it doesn't show any changes on Screen. I appreciate any help!
My code:
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget))
class UProgressBar* IconSlot1;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget))
class UProgressBar* IconSlot2;
UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, meta=(BindWidget))
class UProgressBar* IconSlot3;
TArray<class UIconSlot*> IconArr;
TArray<class UProgressBar*> SlotArr;
void UPlayerUI::SetSlotIcon(const TEnumAsByte<EDamageClass>& DamageClass)
const auto EmptySlot = GetFreeSlot();
const auto Icon = GetImage(DamageClass);
if (IsValid(EmptySlot) && IsValid(Icon))
FProgressBarStyle Style = EmptySlot -> GetWidgetStyle();
if (Style.BackgroundImage.GetResourceObject() == nullptr)
FSlateImageBrush Brush = FSlateImageBrush(Icon, FVector2d(100, 100));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Image slot is set"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Image slot isn't empty"));
Slots.Add(EmptySlot, DamageClass);
UProgressBar* UPlayerUI::GetFreeSlot()
for (const auto IconSlot : SlotArr)
if (!Slots.Contains(IconSlot))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Slot found"));
return IconSlot;
return nullptr;
UTexture2D* UPlayerUI::GetImage(const TEnumAsByte<EDamageClass>& DamageClass)
for (const auto IconImage : IconArr)
if (IconImage -> DamageClass == DamageClass && !Icons.Contains(IconImage))
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Image found"));
Icons.Add(IconImage, DamageClass);
return IconImage -> Image;
return nullptr;
Resolved it by adding these lines:
Style = Style.SetBackgroundImage(Brush);
EmptySlot -> SetWidgetStyle(Style);