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Screen starting on the bottom

In react native, I'm using react navigation, and when i'm on the screen "X" and navigate to screen "Y", this is really good, but when i go back to screen "X", that is on the bottom, because when a navigate to screen "Y" i was on the bottom of the screen "X".

What i need: Everytime when i go back to screen "X" this start on the top.

I searched something about this in the docs, however i didnt found nothing about state of screen


  • You can use useFocusEffect and a ref of your ScrollView to scroll back to the top when the screen comes into focus. Something like:

      const scrollRef = useRef<ScrollView>(null);
       useCallback(() => {
        scrollRef.current?.scrollTo({ x: 0, y: 0, animated: false });
       }, [scrollRef])
      // ...
      <ScrollView ref={scrollRef}>