I have a factory function that creates shapes based on a discriminated union of shape arguments, for example:
interface CircleArgs { type: "circle", radius: number };
interface SquareArgs { type: "square", length: number };
type ShapeArgs = CircleArgs | SquareArgs;
class Circle { constructor(_: CircleArgs) {}}
class Square { constructor(_: SquareArgs) {}}
type Shape = Circle | Square;
type ShapeOfArgs<Args extends ShapeArgs> =
Args extends CircleArgs? Circle :
function createShape<Args extends ShapeArgs>(args: Args): ShapeOfArgs<Args> {
switch (args.type) {
case "circle": return new Circle(args);
case "square": return new Square(args);
Doing it this way not only helps TS to infer the right return type from the argument:
const circle1 = createShape({type: "circle", radius: 1}); // inferred as Circle
const square1 = createShape({type: "square", length: 1}); // inferred as Square
But also correctly propagates the return type if I need to wrap the call in another function:
class Container { insert(_: Shape): void {}; }
function createShapeIn<Args extends ShapeArgs>(args: Args, cont: Container) {
const shape = createShape(args);
return shape;
const cont = new Container();
const circle2 = createShapeIn({type: "circle", radius: 1}, cont); // still inferred as Circle
const square2 = createShapeIn({type: "square", length: 1}, cont); // still inferred as Square
If I add just one more type to the mix everything breaks.
Let's add another type of shapes called Figure
interface FigureArgs { type: "figure", amount: number };
class Figure { constructor(_: FigureArgs) {}}
Then the our union types will be:
type ShapeArgs = CircleArgs | SquareArgs | FigureArgs;
type Shape = Circle | Square | Figure;
Finally, the conditional type is changed to:
type ShapeOfArgs<Args extends ShapeArgs> =
Args extends CircleArgs? Circle :
Args extends SquareArgs? Square :
And now this no longer transpiles:
function createShape<Args extends ShapeArgs>(args: Args): ShapeOfArgs<Args> {
switch (args.type) {
case "circle": return new Circle(args); // error: Circle not assignable ShapeOfArgs<Args>
case "square": return new Square(args); // error: Square not assignable ShapeOfArgs<Args>
case "figure": return new Figure(args); // error: Figure not assignable ShapeOfArgs<Args>
What am I doing wrong?
PS: I know I can force it using the as
operator, but that defeats the purpose of type checking.
An extremely simple solution would be to make a "dictionary of types", instead of unions and conditional types:
// Dictionary of types
type ShapeByType = {
circle: Circle,
square: Square,
figure: Figure
function createShape<Args extends ShapeArgs>(args: Args): ShapeByType[Args["type"]] {
switch (args.type) {
case "circle": return new Circle(args);
case "square": return new Square(args);
case "figure": return new Figure(args);
const circle1 = createShape({type: "circle", radius: 1});
// ^? Circle
// ...
const circle2 = createShapeIn({type: "circle", radius: 1}, container);
// ^? Circle
With this, it is easier to scale to an arbitrary number of Shapes.