I have been trying this for a while now, without success.
I have an expo app and I am using cypress to test some use cases using the web version of the app (generated by expo).
However, I would like to generate some code coverage as well. I have read the official documentation for it, that recommends to babel-plugin-istanbul
do to so, but it does not seem to work with expo.
I am not sure why this would not work.
I removed the files previously pointed here as they were not important.
Thanks for a wonderful documentation provided by a hero without a cape, I figured that my settings were wrong.
All I needed to do was:
module.exports = {
presets: ['babel-preset-expo'],
plugins: [
root: ['.'],
extensions: [
alias: {
'@': './',
import '@cypress/code-coverage/support';
module.exports = (on, config) => {
require('@cypress/code-coverage/task')(on, config);
// add other tasks to be registered here
// IMPORTANT to return the config object
// with the any changed environment variables
return config;
and voilà!