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How to get updated data in a setTimeout from redux saga?

I am using Redux Saga along with Redux Toolkit. I have dispatched an action and need its result in a setTimeout. But once I have dispatched the action the code execution continues and when the setTimeout runs, I do not get the updated result instead I get the results from previously dispatched action (I dispatch the same action when the component mounts).


const {neededData} = useSelector(state => state.something) // property from redux store

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

function someFunction() {

  console.log(neededData) // logs an array of objects, but the it is not updated data

  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(neededData) // logs an array of objects, but it is not updated data
  }, 1000)


function* getHealthDataBetweenDates({ payload }) {
    try {
        const result = yield call(ProfileApi.getHealthDataBetweenDates, payload)

        if (result.status == true) {
            yield put(Slice.actions.getHealthDataBetweenDatesSuccess(;
            console.log('saga minutes', // returns array of object, with updated data
        }else {
            yield put(Slice.actions.getHealthDataBetweenDatesFailure());
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('error: ' + error)

When the function executes, I first get the log right below the dispatch statement, then the log from saga and then the log from setTimeout.


  • When you run setTimeout, you create a closure around the function you pass in. Variables are "frozen" at the time the closure is created. React will still re-render your component when your saga updates your store, but the values in setTimeout have already been closed. The MDN spec on closures is well-written and very helpful.

    React offers an "escape hatch" from these restrictions: refs. Refs exist outside the render cycle of the component and its closures. You can wire a ref to your store with useEffect to get the behavior you're looking for.

    Here's a minimal example:

      // let's say the selector returns 0
      const data = useSelector(state =>;
      const ref = useRef(data);
      // update the ref every time your selector changes
      useEffect(() => {
        ref.current = data;
      }, [data]);
      // start timeouts
      useEffect(() => {
        // set data at 500ms
        setTimeout(() => dispatch(Slice.actions.setData(1)), 500);
        // log data at 1000ms
        setTimeout(() => console.log({ data: ref.current }), 1000);
      }, []);

    This will log { data: 1 } to the console after ~1000ms.