I am working on the migration of swagger spring fox to spring doc open api. I followed below link. https://deepak-shinde.medium.com/migrating-from-springfox-swagger-2-to-springdoc-openapi-3-79a79757b8d1
Below version used.
spring_boot_version= "2.5.5"
springdoc_openapi_version= "1.6.0"
In gradle dependency mentioned as below
implementation "org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-ui:$springdoc_openapi_version"
implementation "org.springdoc:springdoc-openapi-javadoc:$springdoc_openapi_version"
I defined rest controller.
@Tag(name = "Master", description = "Master service API")
public class MasterController {
@Operation(summary = "Get test data",security = {
@SecurityRequirement(name = MasterConstant.HTTP_AUTH_SECURITY_SCHEME) }, tags = {
"Master" } ,description = " This method is used to get test data")
public ResponseEntity<MasterCodeResponse> getTestData()
springdoc.packages-to-scan=com.master.controller,com.common.controller // here * by default not working as its not listing apis
When i invoke v3/apidocs - Tags is coming empty. No controller name or description is displayed.
"title":"Test REST API",
"description":"Generated server url"
Same way for operations tags is coming empty.
Below bean is defined
public OpenAPI customizeOpenAPI() {
final String securitySchemeName = "bearerAuth";
return new OpenAPI().addSecurityItem(new SecurityRequirement().addList(securitySchemeName))
new Components().addSecuritySchemes(securitySchemeName,
new SecurityScheme().name(securitySchemeName).type(SecurityScheme.Type.HTTP)
.info(new Info().title("Test REST API").version("1.0.0"));
Please let me know how to get the summary of the opertaion and controller tags in swagger as well as in the apidocs yaml. Please advice if i am doing something wrong here.
There were some issue about tags, as you can see here
You should try to update springdoc-openapi to at least version 1.6.7.