I am kinda new to Spring.
My Springframework version is 5.3.9.
What specific implementation does Spring choose to be injected?
for example I have
// bean class
private Map<String,String> myMap;
public void setMyMap(Map<String, String> myMap) {
this.myMap = myMap;
<!-- bean def xml -->
<bean id="student" class="com.my.bean.Student">
<property name="myMap">
<entry key="name" value="someName"/>
<entry key="school" value="someSchool"/>
Many Thanks
My Efforts:
I read the spring-framewwork5.x doc and searched for collection implementation class but failed to find it.
I also try to read the spring-framework5.x sourcecode org.springframework.beans.factory.supportDefaultListableBeanFactory#resolveMultipleBeans
But still fail to find the implementation class.
My Java is not excellent
Googled about it but didn't find
In this Spring 5.3.9 docs it stated that
You can also explicitly control the exact type of Map that is instantiated and populated by using the 'map-class' attribute on the <util:map/> element.
<util:map id="emails" map-class="java.util.TreeMap">
<entry key="pechorin" value="pechorin@hero.org"/>
<entry key="raskolnikov" value="raskolnikov@slums.org"/>
<entry key="stavrogin" value="stavrogin@gov.org"/>
<entry key="porfiry" value="porfiry@gov.org"/>
They don't state the default implementation, it's only stated that:
If no 'map-class' attribute is supplied, the container chooses a Map implementation.
I'd suggest printing your map class name to figure out the default type.