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Python Progress Bar Is Showing An Extra %

So I was following a YouTube tutorial for a progress bar in python and when its done, an extra "%" appears. (NOTE: I changed a few variables in the code in order to have the needed product.) Video link:


import math
import colorama

def progress_bar(progress, total, color=colorama.Fore.YELLOW):
    percent=100 * (progress / float(total))
    bar='■' * int(percent) + '-' * (100 - int(percent))
    print(color + f"\r|{bar}| {percent: .0f}%", end="\r")
    if progress==total:
        print(colorama.Fore.GREEN + f"\r|{bar}| {percent:.0f}%", end="\r")
numbers=[x * 5 for x in range(1000)]
progress_bar(0, len(numbers))
for i, x in enumerate(numbers):
    progress_bar(i + 1, len(numbers))


I tried to fix it on many different ways and the only one I found is to fully remove the "%" from the code.


  • The problem is quite simple.

    The program draws a bar on the same terminal line overwriting the previous text. Last 3 lines look like this:

    yellow bar|  99%
    yellow bar|  100%
     green bar| 100%_

    As you see the last yellow line is longer that the final green line and the last character remains not overwritten.

    One way to fix is not to draw the 100% line first in yellow and then in green.

    Update: as noted by the OP, the length difference was due to a missing space and he fixed it that way.