This is my attempt:
df['occupation']= df['occupation'].str.replace('?', '')
df.dropna(subset=['occupation'], inplace=True)
but it is not working, How do i remove all of the rows of the occupation column that i read from a csv file that contain a ? rather than an occupation
Clean up the white space and use an 'unselect' filter:
import pandas as pd
bugs = ['grasshopper','cricket','ant','spider']
fruit = ['lemon','komquat','watermelon','apple']
squashed = [' ? ','Yes','No','Eww']
df = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(bugs,fruit,squashed)), columns = ['Bugs','Fruit','Squashed'])
df = df[df['Squashed'].apply(lambda x: x.strip()) != '?']
print('after stripping white space and after unselect')
The dataframe method .dropna() won't detect blanks (ie '') but will look for Nan or NaT or None.
However, using .replace() to set the value to missing won't work because .replace() requires the type to match and None doesn't match any type you'll have in a column already.
Better to clean up the white space (which is the simple case) using lambda on each entry to apply the string transformation.