I have a excel file. I imported sheetjs (https://sheetjs.com/). I want to read to sheet data. How can ı do read excel with sheetjs in Clojurescript?
The project written with https://github.com/day8/re-frame
This should put you in the right direction - it opens a file called datadump.xlsx in the same folder as index.html (the root folder of your app). Easy to adapt to upload a file through a form. In the main namespace you'd just call (data/read-local-file)
(ns data
(:require [reagent.core :as r]
[reagent.dom :as rd]
[re-frame.core :as rf]
["xlsx" :as XLSX]))
(defn read-sheet [wb sheet-name]
(let [sheet (aget (. wb -Sheets) sheet-name)
data (XLSX/utils.sheet_to_json sheet #js {:header 1})
dataclj (js->clj data)
kk (map keyword (first dataclj))
outdata (into [] (for [line (rest dataclj)] (zipmap kk line)))]
(rf/dispatch [:source-data outdata])))
(defn read-local-file []
(let [xhr (js/XMLHttpRequest.)]
(.open xhr "GET" "datadump.xlsx" true)
(set! (.-responseType xhr) "blob")
(set! (.-onload xhr)
(fn []
(let [reader (js/FileReader.)]
(.readAsArrayBuffer reader (.-response xhr))
(set! (.-onload reader)
(fn [evt]
(let [ab (-> evt .-target .-result)
wb (XLSX/read ab #js {:type "array" :cellDates true})
sn (. wb -SheetNames)]
(read-sheet wb (first sn))))))))
(.send xhr)))