I have 2 python classes one subclasses the other
class A:
def __init__(some params):
do something()
def method(params):
return A_new_A_instance
class B(A)
def __init__(some params):
super().__init__(some params)
def new_method(params):
return B(a)
The above works fine for some of the methods I'm using heavily.
The issue is that class A has a lot of methods some I'm using as is others I'm modifying etc. And a few I don't care about. Most of the methods in A returns another instance of A (like selecting, adding, re-ordering data) But I want to make sure that whichever A.method()
I call I want return an instance of B when I do B.method()
Is there a magic way to do this for all methods of A or do I need to over them one by one?
I guess I did not word my question properly.
I was looking for a way to use the existing methods from the superclass in the subclass without knowing what they are (or not bothering to know).
The solution I came up with is follows:
have a function that queries available methods in the superclass
def get_methods(class_instance):
method_list = [attribute for attribute in dir(class_instance) if callable(getattr(class_instance, attribute))
and attribute.startswith('__') is False]
then you can put something like this in the __init__
to get those methods into the subclass. I'm avoiding the __
methods, since I do not care about most of them and also want to set some of them myself later on like __str__
or __add__
for method_name in methods:
method = getattr(super(), method_name)
self.__setattr__(method_name, classmethod(method))