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r pdftools: Combine multiple pages into a single page

The pdf_combine function from package can be used to combine different pdf documents.

          input    = list(
                          , "Page2.pdf"
                          , "Page3.pdf"
                          , "Page4.pdf"
        , output   = "Pages1234.pdf"
        , password = ""

Wondering if there is a way to combine these four pages into a single page something like Print multiple pages per sheet.


  • You can do this with the magick package...

    files <- list.files(pattern = "\\.pdf")          #get pdf filenames
    pdfs <- Reduce(c, lapply(files, image_read_pdf)) #read in and combine
    montage <- image_montage(pdfs, tile = '2x2', geometry = "x1200") #create pages of 4
    image_write(montage, format = "pdf", "pages1234.pdf") #save as single pdf

    This works with any number of pdfs, outputting them in pages four to a page. You might want to play with the settings to get the margins, dimensions or quality to your liking.