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Cannot connect to Kubernetes cluster even after setting up the context

My Kubernetes cluster is on AWS. I have setup the context using commands to connect to the Kubernetes cluster but still I am getting the following error:

The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?

Please note that kubectl and aws-iam-authenticator are installed and the config file is located in the home directory of the user inside .kube folder.

I have verified by running the command that aws sts get-caller-identity that I am connected to the AWS via cli.

Following are the configuration steps that I have taken:

export TEAM_NAMESPACE=abcd

kubectl config set-cluster $CLUSTER --server=$API_ENDPOINT

kubectl config set-credentials $CLUSTER \
  --exec-api-version="" \
  --exec-command="aws-iam-authenticator" \
  --exec-arg="token" \
  --exec-arg="-i" \

kubectl config set-context $CLUSTER --cluster=$CLUSTER --namespace=$TEAM_NAMESPACE --user=$CLUSTER
kubectl config use-context $CLUSTER

Please share suggestions to solve this issue.


  • I had a look at the config file by using the command "kubectl config view --minify" and found that somehow the server field was empty. I edited the file using vi editor and set the API server value manually there. It resolved the issue.