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How can I get frame by using Gstreamer?

I`m a beginner at using Gstreamer to handle some input videos. I have already built the pipeline using GStreamer to transcode the videos but the last part I cannot do is How I can get those batches of frames and do some custom image processing techniques to handle the purpose of my task.

Input Videos -----> Gstreamer Pipeline -----> Task: Apply some Image Processing Techniques

I`ve been searching about this problem on the Internet but cannot find any solution and the more I search, the more I am confused.


  • AppSink is the good element for you. You can enable "emit-signal" property and listen the event "new-sample". Then you can get an access to the buffer.

    Here the entire documentation :

    You have to create appsink element, enable "emit-signals" then register "new-sample" callback like this :

    g_signal_connect (data.app_sink, "new-sample", G_CALLBACK (new_sample), &data)
    static GstFlowReturn new_sample (GstElement *sink, CustomData *data) {
      GstSample *sample;
      /* Retrieve the buffer */
      g_signal_emit_by_name (sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
      if (sample) {
        /* The only thing we do in this example is print a * to indicate a received buffer */
        g_print ("*");
        gst_sample_unref (sample);
        return GST_FLOW_OK;
      return GST_FLOW_ERROR;

    Now you can retrieve buffer from sample instead of g_print ... (gst_sample_get_buffer)

    Then read data inside the buffer :

      GstMapInfo info;
      gst_buffer_map (buf, &info, GST_MAP_READ);
      gst_buffer_unmap (buf, &info);
      gst_buffer_unref (buf);
 ==> buffer content.

    Best regards.