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Is there a way to publish an Azure Function from VS code using publish profile as we do in Visual studio?

I'm trying to publish a Node JS azure function from my VS Code. I have a publish profile file with all the credentials in it. How Can I instruct the VS code to use the publish profile? I'm able to do it from the Visual studio for .Net function Apps. If its not possible from VS code , Is there a way to publish a node js azure function using publish profile from Visual studio?


    • This Publish Settings is only applies to Visual Studio IDE but not for VS Mac and VS Code as specified in this MS Doc of Azure Functions Publish Profile.

    enter image description here

    • Visual Studio is mainly designed for .NET Core / Framework Project developments, but non-.NET Language can be compiled and debugged with the help of 3rd Party extensions in Visual Studio.

    enter image description here

    • As it is mentioned in above MS Doc & Image, the Publish Profile for .NET Core/framework applications and can be accessible in Visual Studio IDE.