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Basic Acoustic model: Absorption and Interference

The Unetstack handbook refers to Urick's classic book 'The Principles of Sound', pp 105-111, 3rd Ed for transmission loss. There are many causes for absorption described therein. What is accounted for when estimating the absorption in Unetstack?

Second question, how do interference/collisions work in the Basic Acoustic Model, is interference from other nodes treated as added noise or something in that direction?


  • Losses taken into account in BasicAcousticChannel model:

    • Spreading loss
    • Frequency-dependent absorption (based on Schulkin & Marsh)

    The BasicAcousticChannel model treats interference as noise and computes a SINR. The SINR is used to compute the detection probability and the BER for a BPSK modulation with Rician fading and a processing/coding gain. The parameters of the model (e.g. ricianK, pfa, processingGain, fastFading, noiseLevel, bandwidth, spreading, carrierFrequency, etc) control the details of the gain, fading, etc.