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How to preserve the not mapped properties of a collection in a destination object with Automapper?

Initial Situation: I have a source and a destination object and both have a collection of Elements. With Automapper I map the source to the destination object. After that, I add information to properties which are only present on the destination object (ItemName and ItemNumber). Additionally, I add information to the property Text of the objects in the collection AssetElementDto. After that, I call mapper.Map(source_update, destination); to update the destination object.

Question: When I run the code the information of ItemName and ItemNumber is preserved after the update. What can I do that also the information of the AssetElementDto of Text is preserved?

using AutoMapper;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] arg)
        var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
            cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>().PreserveReferences();
            cfg.CreateMap<AssetElement, AssetElementDto>().PreserveReferences();
        var mapper = new Mapper(config);

        var source = new Source()
            Name = "Sinonis",
            Id = new Random().Next(),
            Elements = new List<AssetElement>
                new(){ Id = 1},
                new(){ Id = 2}

        var destination = mapper.Map<Destination>(source);
        destination.ItemNumber = 42;
        destination.Elements.ForEach(e => e.Text ="Wow");

        destination.ItemName = "NPC21";

        var source_update = new Source()
            Name = "Nindalf",
            Id = new Random().Next(),
            Elements = new List<AssetElement>
                new(){ Id = 3},
                new(){ Id = 4}

        Console.WriteLine($"Before update is: {destination.Name} {destination.Id} {destination.ItemNumber} {destination.ItemName}");
        destination.Elements.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine($" {e.Id} {e.Text}"));

        mapper.Map(source_update, destination);

        Console.WriteLine($"After update is : {destination.Name} {destination.Id} {destination.ItemNumber} {destination.ItemName}");
        destination.Elements.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine($" {e.Id} {e.Text}"));

#region Source

public class Source
    public string Name;
    public int Id;

    public List<AssetElement> Elements;


public class AssetElement
    public int Id;


#region Destination

public class Destination
    public string Name;
    public int Id;

    public List<AssetElementDto> Elements;

    public int ItemNumber;
    public string ItemName;

public class AssetElementDto
    public string Text;
    public int Id;


Console Output:

Wow is not preserved after the update.

Before update is: Sinonis 1643275093 42 NPC21
 1 Wow
 2 Wow
After update is : Nindalf 75522068 42 NPC21
 3 null
 4 null


  • Thank you Lucian Bargaoanu for this brief but powerful hint. This solved my problem. Please see the necessary changes in the code below. Here is the link to AutoMapper.Collection.

    using AutoMapper;
    using AutoMapper.EquivalencyExpression; //add using
    public class Program
        static void Main(string[] arg)
            var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg =>
                cfg.AddCollectionMappers(); //add the collection mapper
                cfg.CreateMap<Source, Destination>();
                cfg.CreateMap<AssetElement, AssetElementDto>().EqualityComparison((odto, o) => odto.Id == o.Id); //add the equality compersion
            var mapper = new Mapper(config);
            var source = new Source()
                Name = "Sinonis",
                Id = new Random().Next(),
                Elements = new List<AssetElement>
                    new(){ Id = 1},
                    new(){ Id = 2}
            var destination = mapper.Map<Destination>(source);
            destination.ItemNumber = 42;
            destination.ItemName = "NPC21";
            destination.Elements.ForEach(e => e.Text ="Wow");
            var source_update = new Source()
                Name = "Nindalf",
                Id = new Random().Next(),
                Elements = new List<AssetElement>
                    new(){ Id = 1},//ID's need to be the same as before
                    new(){ Id = 2}
            Console.WriteLine($"Before update is: {destination.Name} {destination.Id} {destination.ItemNumber} {destination.ItemName}");
            destination.Elements.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine($" {e.Id} {e.Text}"));
            mapper.Map(source_update, destination);
            Console.WriteLine($"After update is : {destination.Name} {destination.Id} {destination.ItemNumber} {destination.ItemName}");
            destination.Elements.ForEach(e => Console.WriteLine($" {e.Id} {e.Text}"));
    #region Source
    public class Source
        public string Name;
        public int Id;
        public List<AssetElement> Elements;
    public class AssetElement
        public int Id;
    #region Destination
    public class Destination
        public string Name;
        public int Id;
        public List<AssetElementDto> Elements;
        public int ItemNumber;
        public string ItemName;
    public class AssetElementDto
        public string Text;
        public int Id;


    Wow is preserved in the collection after the update.

    Before update is: Sinonis 49772274 42 NPC21
     1 Wow
     2 Wow
    After update is : Nindalf 236466397 42 NPC21
     1 Wow
     2 Wow