I am working on a google chrome dinosaur chrome clone using an SDL template and I have an issue where the character is not stopping once he hits the floor. My code logic is supposed to work like this, I have a bool called "onFloor" that tells the program when the player and ground come into contact with each other. When onFloor = false the player keeps on falling and when onFloor = true the player stops falling and stays in place. My issue is that when I try to do the reverse of my current falling or gravity code.
These are the parts of my code that I think are the problem
#pragma once
#include "GameObject.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "draw.h"
class Player :
public GameObject
void start();
void update();
void draw();
//X Setter
void setX(int x) {
this->side = x;
//X Getter
int getX() {
return side;
//Y Setter
void setY(int y) {
this->fall = y;
//Y Getter
int getY() {
return fall;
//Height Setter
void setHeight(int h) {
height = h;
//Height Getter
int getHeight() {
return height;
//Width Setter
void setWidth(int w) {
width = w;
//Width Getter
int getWidth() {
return width;
//OnFloor Setter
void setOnFloor(bool onFloor) {
onFloor = true;
//OnFloor Getter
bool getOnFloor() {
return onFloor;
SDL_Texture* texture;
int side;
int fall;
int height;
int width;
int speed;
bool onFloor;
#include "GameScene.h"
// Register and add game objects on constructor
player = new Player();
floor = new Floor();
delete player;
void GameScene::start()
// Initialize any scene logic here
void GameScene::draw()
void GameScene::update()
//This is where Gravity strength is located
if (player->getOnFloor() == false) {
player->setY(player->getY() + 2);
else {
void GameScene::floorCollision()
//Checks for collisions between player and floor
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++)
//Cast to floor
Floor* floor = dynamic_cast<Floor*>(objects[i]);
//Check if the floor was casted
if (floor != NULL)
int collision = checkCollision(
player->getX(), player->getY(), player->getWidth(), player->getHeight(),
floor->getX(), floor->getY(), floor->getWidth(), floor->getHeight()
if (collision == 1)
std::cout << "!" << std::endl;
player->getOnFloor() == true;
at first I thought that just changing the false to true would work so I just put this part of the code
player->getOnFloor() == false
into my collision logic but instead of false I make it true once he hits the ground to stop him from falling
void GameScene::floorCollision()
//Checks for collisions between player and floor
for (int i = 0; i < objects.size(); i++)
//Cast to floor
Floor* floor = dynamic_cast<Floor*>(objects[i]);
//Check if the floor was casted
if (floor != NULL)
int collision = checkCollision(
player->getX(), player->getY(), player->getWidth(), player->getHeight(),
floor->getX(), floor->getY(), floor->getWidth(), floor->getHeight()
if (collision == 1)
std::cout << "!" << std::endl;
//This is what is supposed to make the player stop falling
player->setOnFloor(player->getOnFloor() == true);
but the player just falls through the floor
Okay I think I fixed it and the player stops falling when he hits the ground by changing my onFloor setter in my player.h to this
//OnFloor Setter
void setOnFloor(bool) {
onFloor = true;
and my GameScene collision logic to this
if (collision == 1)
std::cout << "!" << std::endl;
New problem now though is that when onFloor = true the player just sticks to the top of the screen with no way to move down or up anymore.
I'm not sure whether this is the only issue but it's one which could be responsible for OPs reported problem:
//OnFloor Setter
void setOnFloor(bool onFloor) {
onFloor = true;
The argument onFloor
shadows the member variable Player::onFloor
(This is legal in C++ as the function starts a local scope.)
Thus, true
is assigned to the argument onFloor
(which is pointless as it's a value parameter and lost after return from function) while the member variable Player::onFloor
is not modified at all.
Nevertheless, though the member variable is shadowed by an argument , it's still accessible — either by this->onFloor
or by Player::onFloor
So, a possible fix is:
//OnFloor Setter
void setOnFloor(bool onFloor) {
this->onFloor = onFloor;
//OnFloor Setter
void setOnFloor() {
onFloor = true;