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Iterating Two Maps Inside A Resource using for_each

I'm Trying to create azure SRV record based on some condition, for this multiple target is needed for a single SRV record. If I iterate inside dynamic each.key and each.value is referring the key value outside the dynamic block. is there a way to iterate this record block for required number of time. Also the count is not supported in record block. Could there be any other ways to achieve this without loop also fine.

NOTE: this is a pseudo code for reference.

resource "azurerm_dns_srv_record" "srv_dns_record" {
  for_each            = { for key, value in var.clusters : key => value if some condition }
  name                = name
  zone_name           = azurerm_dns_zone.cluster_dns_zone[each.key].name
  resource_group_name =
  ttl                 = 60

  dynamic "record" {
    for_each = var.targets
    content {
      priority = 1
      weight   = 5
      port     = 443
      target   = each.key



  • If you want to iterate over var.targets in side a dynamic block, it should be:

    target   = record.key