Search code examples

Type Orm where relation is a specific value or relation is null

I want to return all user specific products and general products ( products without any have any mapping with users) in one query ..

I have tried

const query = this.productRepo
        ' = 24 OR IS NULL'

But it's not working the OR is working fine because i have tried ' = 24 OR = some other value which is working fine.. what I have done wrong here??

My relation

@ManyToMany(() => User, {
    onUpdate: 'CASCADE',
    onDelete: 'CASCADE',
    nullable: true,
    name: 'product_user_mappings',
    joinColumn: {
        name: 'productId',
        referencedColumnName: 'id',
    inverseJoinColumn: {
        name: 'userId',
users: User[];


  • I have implemented this by referring this

    const where = {
                isActive: true,
                volume: MoreThan(0),
                priceValidity: MoreThan(new Date()),
        const query = this.productRepo
        .leftJoin('products.users', 'user')
        .andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
                    qb.where(' = :userId', { userId: })
                    qb.orWhere(' is null')