I have an array called imgarr which consists of 4 images in bytes. The image sizes are same but unknown. How can I merge it into the following format?
The output resolution should be 4 times the size of one imgarr image and no borders are needed.
EDIT: my code now:
from PIL import Image
import io
#convert bytes to image
for i in imgarr:
stream = io.BytesIO(rimg)
image = Image.open(stream).convert("RGBA").save("tempimg\\temp{}.png".format(i))
img0 = Image.open("tempimg\\temp0.png")
img1 = Image.open("tempimg\\temp1.png")
img2 = Image.open("tempimg\\temp2.png")
img3 = Image.open("tempimg\\temp3.png")
image1_size = img0.size
new_image = Image.new('RGB',(2*image1_size[0], 2*image1_size[1]), (250,250,250))
new_image.paste(img3, (image1_size[0],image1_size[1]))
but the output image is very weird.
Here's a simple 2x2 collage from the same photo.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
collage = Image.new("RGB", (1000,1000), color=(255,255,255))
photo = Image.open("23988930.jpg")
photo = photo.resize((500,500))
# paste images in 2x2 collage
collage.paste(photo, (0,0))
collage.paste(photo, (0,500))
collage.paste(photo, (500,0))
collage.paste(photo, (500,500))
In your case, all you need is to do is specify the starting point (top-left-corner) for each image in collage.
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
photo = Image.open("23988930.jpg")
width, height = photo.size
collage = Image.new("RGB", (2*width,2*height), color=(255,255,255))
# paste images in 2x2 collage
collage.paste(photo, (0,0))
collage.paste(photo, (0,height))
collage.paste(photo, (width,0))
collage.paste(photo, (width,height))