Search code examples

Jetpack compose: Pending composition has not been applied when rememberSaveable is used

I had a search view that worked fine but didn't keep the user input on back navigation (from detail view). According to Keep text in BasicTextField on back navigation, all i had to do was to change




like so:

val textState = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue(""))

But now I am getting this.

Compose Runtime internal error. Unexpected or incorrect use of the Compose internal runtime API (pending composition has not been applied)

enter image description here enter image description here

            elevation = 0.dp,
            title = {},
            navigationIcon = {
                IconButton(onClick = {
                    scope.launch {
                }) {
                        //some image gere
            backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
            actions = {
                val textState = rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }
                CompositionLocalProvider(LocalContentAlpha provides ContentAlpha.medium) {
                    SearchView(state = textState, viewModel)
                    //rest of code

and the search view (edited for brevity):

fun SearchView(state: MutableState<TextFieldValue>, viewModel: viewModel) {
    val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }

        value = state.value,
        onValueChange = { value -> state.value = value;} ,
// rest of code

This error was already discussed on stackoverflow, but not in relation to rememberSaveable, and no solutions offered there anyway.


Edit: I solved the problem by initializing the textState with the search text saved into the viewmodel. Works fine, but I'm not providing this as an answer to my own question, as it is a hack, but not the real solution. At least for now, if there is a real solution to this. But if this turns out to be a bug in Compose, then I guess it will be an answer.

val textState = remember { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue(viewModel.filter)) }


  • I'm not sure why your'e having this, maybe you have to check your compose dependencies versions?

    But the error your'e actually having is

    MutableState containing TextFieldValue(text='', selection=TextRange(0, 0), composition=null) cannot be saved using the current SaveableStateRegistry. The default implementation only supports types which can be stored inside the Bundle. Please consider implementing a custom Saver for this class and pass it as a stateSaver parameter to rememberSaveable().

    You have to create a saver because rememberSaveable is something that survives configuration changes and there are certain data structures you have to tell the saver how it will save and restore it.

    It behaves similarly to remember, but the stored value will survive the activity or process recreation using the saved instance state mechanism (for example it happens when the screen is rotated in the Android application).

    fun <T> rememberSaveable(
        vararg inputs: Any?,
        stateSaver: Saver<T, out Any>,
        key: String? = null,
        init: () -> MutableState<T>
    ): MutableState<T> = rememberSaveable(

    Just create a custom saver

    val textFieldValueSaver = run {
        val textKey = "text"
            save = {
                mapOf(textKey to it.text)
            restore = {
                TextFieldValue(it[textKey] as String)

    and just pass it to rememberSaveable's stateSaver parameter

    val textState = rememberSaveable(
        stateSaver = textFieldValueSaver
    ) { mutableStateOf(TextFieldValue("")) }

    Reference: Official Docs