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How do I change a pre-defined variable in a table in Luau?

In a Roblox game I'm programming, I want to have a table of boolean values to iterate over ensuring that they're all false before making another one true, e.g.;

local bool1 = true
local bool2 = false
local bool3 = false
local bool4 = false
local tbl1 = {}

table.insert(tbl1,boolX) -- where "X" is the number above, did this in interest of shortening

for i,v in pairs(tbl1) do
  if v then v = not v end

However, as stated in the penultimate paragraph of section 2.1 of the 5.3 manual (knowing, albeit, that Luau uses 5.1 as its base);

Tables, functions, threads, and (full) userdata values are objects: variables do not actually contain these values, only references to them. Assignment, parameter passing, and function returns always manipulate references to such values; these operations do not imply any kind of copy.

That in mind, that means that I'm not actually shoving bool1 through bool4 into the table, just their values; the table would look like {true, false, false, false}. This means that I can't simply write a loop to iterate through the table and invert any trues I find;

local bool1 = true
local tbl1 = {}
tbl1[1] = false

--  true
--  false

I should point out that I very well could just shove all my variables into one giant if/else and call it a night, but that is a lot of variables to check, a lot of typing, and I can't think of any other more elgant and less tedious way other than finding a form of iteration over them all.

I want to be able to have an actual reference, in some form, to the actual variables so that I can modify them from within the table and make them iterable.

  • I've attempted to follow the examples given in the best answer to this question, with no successes. I would need to be able to, and cannot with these examples, substitute for any given variable at any given time, rather than just having one or two I want declated and thus returned as shown. I've attempted wrapping them in a function to provide my table and variable as arguments, but that doesn't seem to have any effect; it either outputs nothing, or nil.
  • The following answer after has one example that seems like it could work, but overall is pointless for what I'm trying to achieve; I don't want to re-declare or re-assign the variables I already have, I just want to return the specific value.
  • I've attempted using a key/value pair, making the key the potential variable name and making it equal the variable's value, but I've no way to make that key return a variable of the same name. I even attempted merging this method and the setmetatable method mentioned in the first set of examples to see if I couldn't substitute from there, to no avail.

I should point out that, while I'm not a complete newbie to Lua or Luau, I'm also not an expert in the field by any meaning of the word; I'll catch on quick, but where possible, explain like I'm 10.


  • There is no way to do this in Roblox Luau.

    Any potential way to do so in standard Lua is impossible to do in Luau due to how heavily sandboxed the latter is compared to the former.

    Possible solutions that were recommended via comments include: making the variables needed available in _G as globals, then using them there; or using a pointer value in the table equivalent to the one you want, even though it won't technically change the value you want itself.

    Another answer recommends the use of debug.getlocal() for standard Lua, but doesn't work in Luau; keep this in mind when attempting to use it, as you will get an attempt to call a nil value error.

    The recommended way to do this is not to do it at all, and instead have your variables and/or values in your table from the start.

    Not only does this provide ease-of-access in many cases, but it will allow you to iterate through them significantly easier than trying to shove them into tables and the like. Refactoring, if you need to do something similar to this, is highly recommended across the board.