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Prolog How to count all element?

Count the number of occurrences of a number in a list

I am trying to understand those codes.

count( []     , X , 0 ) .
count( [X|T]  , X , Y ) :- count(T,X,Z), Y is 1+Z .
count( [X1|T] , X , Z ) :- X1 \= X, count(T,X,Z) .
countall( List , X , C ) :-
  sort(List,List1) ,
  member(X,List1) ,
  count(List,X,C) .

How can I write a helper function to get everything in one line?

?- countall([2,23,3,45,23,44,-20],X,Y).
X = -20,
Y = 1 ? ;
X = 2,
Y = 1 ? ;
X = 3,
Y = 1 ? ;
X = 23,
Y = 2 ? ;
X = 44,
Y = 1 ? ;
X = 45,
Y = 1 ? ;

I am expecting to newL to be [-20,1],[2,1],[3,1],[23,2],[44,1],[45,1].

I wrote

getAll(L,newL) :- countall(L,X,C) , newL =[X,C] .

How do I store everything and get it in one time?

Is it I have to do the tail recursion for getAll? Or I should rewrite countall, replce member to something else?


  • The easiest way to do what you describe is something like this. First, a public predicate, frequencies/2. Breaking it down clause-by-clause:

    1. The empty list has the empty list as its set of frequency pairs:
      frequencies( [] , [] ).
    2. For a non-empty list, we (1) sort the list, keeping duplicates — sort/2 sorts the list and removes duplicates, make the list a set, whilst msort/2 does not remove duplicates — and (2) invoke the helper predicate freqs/4 passing it the tail of the source list and seeding its additional state with the head of the source list and an initial frequency count of 1:
      frequencies( [X|Xs] , Fs ) :- msort(Xs,X1), freqs(Xs,X,1,Fs) .

    That gives us:

    frequencies( []     , [] ) .
    frequencies( [X|Xs] , Fs ) :- msort(Xs,X1), freqs(Xs,X,1,Fs) .

    And then we need our helper predicate, freqs/4. Clause-by-clause:

    1. If the source list is exhausted, our additional state (Y and N) represent the current pair. Just move them to the result list and you're done:
      freqs( [] , Y , N , [Y,N] ) .
    2. Otherwise, if the head of the source list matches the current element Y, add 1 to the frequence count N and recurse down on the tail of the source list:
      freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , Fs ) :- X  = Y, N1 is N+1, freqs(Xs,Y,N1,Fs).
    3. Finally, if the head of the source list does not match the current element, move the current tuple [Y,N] to the result list, set the current element with an initial frequency of 1, and recurse down:
      freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , [[Y,N]|Fs] ) :- X \= Y,            freqs(Xs,N,1,Fs).

    Putting that all together, you get

    freqs( []     , Y , N , [Y,N]      ) .
    freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , Fs         ) :- X  = Y, N1 is N+1, freqs(Xs,Y,N1,Fs).
    freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , [[Y,N]|Fs] ) :- X \= Y,            freqs(Xs,N,1,Fs).

    And the whole thing, then is

    frequencies( []     , [] ) .
    frequencies( [X|Xs] , Fs ) :- msort(Xs,X1), freqs(Xs,X,1,Fs) .
    freqs( []     , Y , N , [Y,N]      ) .
    freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , Fs         ) :- X  = Y, N1 is N+1, freqs(Xs,Y,N1,Fs).
    freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , [[Y,N]|Fs] ) :- X \= Y,            freqs(Xs,N,1,Fs).

    We can make some improvements, though, to eliminate unnecessary backtracking: if the X = Y test in the second clause of freqs/4 succeeds, backtracking into the 3rd clause will fail (because X = Y and X \= Y cannot both be true.) We can reorder clauses 2 and 3 and introduce a cut (!/0) thus:

    frequencies( []     , [] ) .
    frequencies( [X|Xs] , Fs ) :- msort(Xs,X1), freqs(Xs,X,1,Fs) .
    freqs( []     , Y , N , [Y,N]      ) .
    freqs( [X|Xs] , Y , N , [[Y,N]|Fs] ) :- X \= Y, !,         freqs(Xs,N,1,Fs).
    freqs( [X|Xs] , X , N , Fs         ) :-         N1 is N+1, freqs(Xs,Y,N1,Fs).