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OpenLayers export features with their styles

I'm trying to export features and then load them to map Already I can save features and re-create them by Geojson object.

the problem is that GeoJson dosen't save feature's style.
what is the best way to save styles and load them with features?


  • You can use below codes to save and load geojson file with styles.

    add the following line to the header

    <script src=""></script> <!-- we will use it to download the geojson file -->

    Then add the following function to the code.

    function saveMap() {
        var mapLayers = map.getLayers().getArray();
        var features = [];
        mapLayers.forEach(function(layer) {
            if (layer instanceof ol.layer.Vector) {
                var layerFeatures = layer.getSource().getFeatures();
                layerFeatures.forEach(function(feature) {
                    feature.setProperties(layer.getStyle()) //add the layer styles to the feature as properties
        var geojsonFormat = new ol.format.GeoJSON();
        var geojsonString = geojsonFormat.writeFeatures(features, {
            featureProjection: map.getView().getProjection()
        var blob = new Blob([geojsonString], {
            type: 'text/plain'
        saveAs(blob, 'map.geojson');

    Load the map again with the styles in OpenLayers:

    // Use jQuery to read the GeoJSON file
    $.getJSON("map.geojson", function(data) {
        var geojson = new ol.format.GeoJSON({
            dataProjection: "EPSG:4326",
            featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'
        var vectorSource = new ol.source.Vector({
            features: geojson,
            wrapX: false
        var vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
            source: vectorSource,
        // Iterate through the features in a vector layer
        vectorLayer.getSource().forEachFeature(function(feature) {
            // Take the style  of the feature as a variable
            var fill_color = feature.values_[0].fill_.color_;
            var stroke_color = feature.values_[0].stroke_.color_;
            var stroke_width = feature.values_[0].stroke_.width_;
            // Create a style object 
            var style = new{
                stroke: new{
                    color: stroke_color,
                    width: stroke_width
                fill: new{
                    color: fill_color
            // Add the style to the feature

    You can view the full code of the following links

