I've got several working Robot Framework tests that I'm trying to consolidate into one test suite and run through a template. The tests are functionally the same, just being executed from a different URL. So that's the one parameter that's different. I'm trying to pass the URL into each test case, but I am getting an error: "Keyword 'Setup' expected 0 arguments, got 2."
*** Settings ***
Documentation Login tests
Library Zoomba.GUILibrary
Suite Setup Setup
Test Template Template 1
*** Variables ***
${browser} chrome
${url1} https://<test.url1>
${url2} https://<test.url2>
${url3} https://<test.url3>
*** Keywords ***
Open Browser ${url} browser=${browser} options=add_argument("<argument>")
Maximize Browser Window
Set Selenium Speed 0.2s
Log To Console Setup complete. Logging in...
Template 1
[Arguments] ${url} ${browser}=${browser}
Setup ${url} ${browser}
<Login tests>
*** Test Cases ***
Site 1 Login
Site 2 Login
Site 3 Login
Anybody have any ideas? Please let me know, thanks!
You are calling Setup
with two arguments, like the error says:
Template 1
[Arguments] ${url} ${browser}=${browser}
Setup ${url} ${browser}
<Login tests>