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How can we reach claims in fiber.context custom middleware?

I want to set claims to fiber.context. But I got an error in 3th line that is *jwt.Token is empty. How can I reach token or claims ? Or do you have an advice to use anything else.

func RoleMiddleware() func(*fiber.Ctx) { //change name
        return func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) {
            user := ctx.Locals("user").(*jwt.Token)
            claims := user.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
            ctx.Locals("id", int(claims["id"].(float64)))
            ctx.Locals("is_api", claims["is_api"])
            ctx.Locals("is_admin", claims["is_admin"])
            ctx.Locals("is_super_admin", claims["is_super_admin"])

I will use this for example in my user_controller: user_id := ctx.Locals("id").(int)


  • You have a complete JWT exmaple implementation in gofiber recipes repo.


    In short.

    product := api.Group("/product")
    product.Get("/", handler.GetAllProducts)
    product.Get("/:id", handler.GetProduct)
    product.Post("/", middleware.Protected(), handler.CreateProduct)
    product.Delete("/:id", middleware.Protected(), handler.DeleteProduct)
    • Make sure you're using the filter on each protected route exactly as in the example:

    Properly with middleware.Protected() so JWT token should be available in your handler ctx.Locals