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fake/mock/background terminal for testing an ncurses application

I am working with an(other) legacy C application which has a text user interface written using ncurses.

I would like to script some tests of the program running but it will only run in a terminal. There is no way to remove the user interface.

Is there a way to fake or background a terminal (for the application) without ever having to bring the screen to the foreground?

The best I have so far uses screen and timeout as below. This example performs a timed run of the program. I've omitted machinery to manage the workspace for brevity.


cat - >runmyprogram <<EOF
echo running 
timeout --foreground --preserve-status --signal=HUP 3s cursesprogramcommandlinehere
echo \$STATUS >workspace/exit_status
stty sane
exit \$STATUS
chmod u+x runmyprogram

screen -dmS foobar /bin/bash

    sleep 3
    sleep 1
    screen -S foobar -p 0 -X quit
) &

screen -S foobar -p 0 -X stuff "runmyprogram^M"
screen -r

This sort of works but:

  • The ncurses application does not start until it is brought to the foreground with screen -r.

I would like to achieve something similar without ever having to use screen -r.

  • I have also tried tmux but so far have not got this as close to working as screen. It also requires a terminal to be attached for the GUI (i.e. tmux attach) to start.

  • When tests are run in an Azure build pipeline I get "Must be connected to a terminal"

(Adding script /dev/null as suggested here causes a hang. I don't see why that would create a terminal anyway)

  • This also happens if I run the test with "nohup" which of course does not have a terminal.

  • When run from ctest screen also seems to alter the topology of the terminal this runs in when really I want it to be fully isolated.

  • There is also at least one race condition as exit_status is not always populated however much time I add between timeout timing out and sending the quit message to screen.

The timeout is necessary to cover (failing) test cases where the TUI does not respond.

I am able to make changes to the legacy application to support this better but rewriting the entire user interface is not an option.

Some related questions:

The difficulty with screen is caused by a subtle interaction between screen and ncurses. I have tried quite a few apps from as examples and can get them all to work with screen. The legacy app is the only one that requires screen to be foregrounded. It fails because it makes a call to subwin() which fails and is subsequently treated as a fatal error. (note this is different behaviour to what I described above. That is, that the app does not start until foregrounded. I have been unable to reproduce this thus far). The curious bit is that if I attach the screen before I run the application it works. Both the call to subwin() and the rest of the application. I would like to understand why.

  • I have tried tmux and now got this working. It does not require the window to be attached.


  • My solution using tmux from bash includes elements as below.

    wrapper script to perform a timed run of a program and capture its exit status:

    cat - >$WSDIR/runprog <<EOF
    echo running program >$WSDIR/stdout
    cd $WSDIR
    echo 0 >$WSDIR/exit_status
    timeout --foreground --preserve-status --signal=HUP $RUNTIME runprogramhere 2>$WSDIR/stderr
    echo \$STATUS >$WSDIR/exit_status
    stty sane
    echo done STATUS=\$STATUS >>$WSDIR/stdout
    exit \$STATUS
    chmod u+x $WSDIR/runprog

    script to run the program using tmux:

    cat - >$WSDIR/exercise <<EOF
    tmux new-session -d -s $SESSIONNAME -x 132 -y 80 "bash -l"
    tmux send-keys "cd $WSDIR"
    tmux send-keys Enter
    tmux send-keys ./runprog
    tmux send-keys Enter
    # watch for interesting things to happen...
    chmod u+x $WSDIR/exercise

    Perform a timed run using the script above allowing for things to not work.

    cleanUp () {
       tmux kill-session $SESSIONNAME 2>/dev/null
    trap cleanUp 0 TERM
    timeout 10s $WSDIR/exercise

    How this works:

    • tmux new-session - starts a new session

    • -d - starts it detached (so it will work in a script without a 'real' terminal)

    • -s - gives us a named session to refer to - so our scripts can tidy up

    • tmux send-keys - sends key strokes to the session whether it is in the background or foreground

    • timeout is useful to forcing programs to exit if something goes wrong

    • --preserve-status forces timeout to preserve the status of the program its running.

    • we store the exit status in a file for easy access

    • trap invokes the cleanUp routine when we exit

    • thus kill-session kills the tmux session on exit

    • we generate a unique session name per test script

    A similar scheme is possible with screen:

    screen -S sessionName bash -l
    screen -d   - detach the current session
    screen -r   - resume a session
    screen -S sessionName -X stuff "echo hello^M"  - send keys

    The differences are minor except screen does not work for the app I am testing. Tmux has names for special keys. Screen uses control characters instead.

    It can be useful to script communications with the tmux (or screen) session using expect or similar.

    Both tmux and screen have commands to let you take screen shots if that is useful for your tests: