My screen captured canvas do not show any texts on my textboxes and do not show the selected field in my dropdown.
This is the Screenshot
This is the script I am using
<script src=""></script>
It should have datas that i Inserted in the textboxes. as seen on the graph below. This is the code for my html2canvas
function screenshot() {
html2canvas(document.body, {
scrollY: -window.scrollY,
crossOrigin: 'Anonymous',
allowTaint: true,
foreignObjectRendering: true,
.then(canvas => {
imageData = canvas.toDataURL();
console.log('Result from imageData', imageData)
submissionData = prepData(imageData);
.catch(er => console.error(er));
Having the same issue in a Vue project with Vuetify. Turns out that the issue has to do with foreignObjectRendering: true
Set it to foreignObjectRendering: false
and the text will appear. At least that's my solution.
Downside: the quality of the image decreases, depending of the elements you render. E. g. shadows look pretty awful.