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Haskell curl missing content on status 401

I have some problems with the curl haskell library in the latest version 1.3.7.

Some example in Haskell:

module CurlTest where

import Network.Curl

url = ""
opts = [CurlFollowLocation True]

main = withCurlDo $ do
    curlGet url opts
    return ()

I run this snippet with ghci and I didn't get any output. On public sites with status-code 200 I get the page-content. With pure curl from the command-line I get the page-content even on 401 sites, as expected.

Did I miss a option for the haskell curl-call, or is it a bug? If it is a bug, is there a workaround or some curl-alternatives in haskell?



  • I found that setting the curl option CurlFailOnError False fixed this for me.