I'm migrating data from a mongo 4.0 server to aws documentdb (docdb4.0 family), and I've run into the error createIndex error: namespace name generated from index name is too long
which has been reported with some frequency. However, I have not seen this specific question answered, nor have I found any examples of what I'm trying to accomplish.
I need to rename both the database, and the too-long indexes upon the mongorestore. The old database had a long suffix on it that needs to be removed in the documentdb instance, and the index names are longer than the documentdb limit.
Currently, my mongorestore command looks like this:
mongorestore \
--stopOnError \
-v \
--nsFrom="myapp_long_suffix_here.*" --nsTo="myapp.*" \
--nsFrom="myapp.datadocs.1:metadata.17:duplicate_call.1:duplicate_of_datadoc_id_1" --nsTo="myapp.datadocs.duplicate_of_datadoc_id" \
--nsFrom="myapp.datadocs.1:metadata.3:publisher_id_1_1:metadata.1:created_at_1" --nsTo="myapp.datadocs.publisher_id_created_at" \
--nsFrom="myapp.datadocs.1:metadata.17:duplicate_call.3:duplicate_reason_1" --nsTo="myapp.datadocs.duplicate_reason" \
--nsFrom="myapp.datadocs.2:parsed_message.11:from_addr_sha256_hash_1" --nsTo="myapp.datadocs.from_addr_hash" \
--gzip \
The above command renames the database as expected, and restores all of the documents, but fails to create any indexes, failing with the error createIndex error: namespace name generated from index name is too long
as noted above.
I have a few questions about this:
Any other advice or examples of anyone having done this successfully are welcome. Also, if this approach won't work, how would you recommend doing a restore of all documents and indexes in a 1TB+ collection in documentdb 4.0 set up in a replicaset (so, not standalone, which means db.reIndex() won't work, as I understand it)?
Thanks for your help & advice.
The index name max limit in Amazon DocumentDB is 63 characters. See the quotas and limits page from the documentation. If a name for an index is not specified, the name is generated from concatenating the fields of the compound index.
What I suggest for your case is the following:
documentdb_index_tool.py --show-issues --dir <directory that contains index metadata dump>
optionPre-creating the indexes will also boost restore times, is much faster this way than creating the indexes on existing data.