I have this chart that needs to be exactly 150px in height and has to have a background that is exactly behind the chart - meaning zero pixels left or right, up or down than the chart itself goes. Like this:
...except this graph is too short. To achieve this I used annotations option and inside fillColor, but there are a couple of drawbacks:
There is the option sparkline which is great except it cuts the line at the top in half:
Here background is added with css to the div container.
So this option would be perfect if the line at the top wasn't for some reason cut in half the width. Is there a way to get around that?
This is how it looks without these options:
Here background is added with css to the div container.
Can anyone please help, suggest which options to try?
I have found a workaround that mostly solves the issue:
sparkline: {enabled: true }
title: { text: '', style: { fontSize: '10px'} }
Empty title will give some space at the top and the line there will remain its width. However, the line at the bottom remains half the width, but that is not as bad a problem as on top.