I'm currently trying to make the user can edit their profile picture, I'm using nodejs, react & multer for that. On the other hand I receive an error when I send my form, I show you my code I hope you can help me.
Sending the form gives me no error when I put a req.body.file in my edit function but then the image of my profile is undefined, I also tried req.file[0].filename, which doesn't work either.
I would like that when the user uploads an image it is downloaded in my images folder and that it is also displayed on the user's profile
I thank you in advance
when doing a put request you are sending your data in JSON not in form data. you need to do something like this
const onSubmit = () => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("firstName", firstName);
formData.append("avatar", avatar);
also FileReader.readAsDataURL return string but multer needs value of type File, so we need to directly store event.target.files[0] inside state so that multer can read it.
make sure you have express middleware
not but the least upload.single("avatar")
it should be the name of variable
hope these changes help you.