When I plot my lattice graph, the x-axis value of 100000 falls outside of the plot. I don't want to make the number size smaller. Anything I could do to make this work?
bwplot(dfmh2$Period~dfmh2$Intensity|dfmh2$microhabitat, #temperature difference low over day period
par.settings = my_settings,
par.strip.text = list(cex =1.7),
scales = list(x = list(font=1,cex=2),y = list(cex = 1.8)),
ylab= list(label = "Period of Day", fontsize = 25), xlab= list(label = "Light intensity", fontsize = 25),
main= list(label = "B) Light intenstiy (lux)", cex= 2))
You could try tuning
> lattice.options("skip.boundary.labels")
[1] 0.02