First of all, I know my question is too bizarre due to English is not my mother tongue.
I have used Google to learn this but I did not understand anything actually.
I want to create a function like this:
The function should take two parameters in square brackets and should get a parameter with assignment (=) operator.
I want to a function like this:
myFunction[Parameter1][Parameter2] = Parameter3;
Parameter1 and Parameter2 are integers. Parameter3 is a string.
And here is an example that describes what I want:
myFunction[3][5] = "stackoverflow";
How do I create that kind function?
You can do something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
using FuncType=std::function<void(int, int, std::string)>;
class SubSubFunction {
SubSubFunction(FuncType func, int arg1, int arg2) : func_(func), arg1_(arg1), arg2_(arg2) {}
SubSubFunction& operator =(std::string arg) {
func_(arg1_, arg2_, arg);
return *this;
FuncType func_;
int arg1_;
int arg2_;
class SubFunction {
SubFunction(FuncType func, int arg1) : func_(func), arg1_(arg1) {}
SubSubFunction operator [](int arg) {
return {func_, arg1_, arg};
FuncType func_;
int arg1_;
class Function {
Function(FuncType func) : func_(func) {}
SubFunction operator [](int arg) {
return {func_, arg};
FuncType func_;
int main()
Function myFunction([](int arg1, int arg2, std::string arg3){
std::cout << "Arg1: " << arg1 << ", arg2: " << arg2 << ", arg3: " << arg3 << std::endl;
myFunction[3][5] = "stackoverflow";