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Sync Map possibly leading increase in ram and goroutines

Hi here is the code where I make util called as collector

import (

type Collector struct {
    keyValMap *sync.Map

func (c *Collector) LoadOrWait(key any) (retValue any, availability int, err error) {
    value, status := c.getStatusAndValue(key)

    switch status {
    case 0:
        return nil, 0, nil
    case 1:
        return value, 1, nil
    case 2:
        ctxWithTimeout, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5 * time.Second)
        for {
            select {
            case <-ctxWithTimeout.Done():
                return nil, 0, errRequestTimeout
                value, resourceStatus := c.getStatusAndValue(key)
                if resourceStatus == 1 {
                    return value, 1, nil
                time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond)

    return nil, 0, errRequestTimeout

// Store ...
func (c *Collector) Store(key any, value any) {
    c.keyValMap.Store(key, value)

func (c *Collector) getStatusAndValue(key any) (retValue any, availability int) {
    var empty any
    result, loaded := c.keyValMap.LoadOrStore(key, empty)

    if loaded && result != empty {
        return result, 1

    if loaded && result == empty {
        return empty, 2

    return nil, 0

So the purpose of this util is to act as a cache where similar value is only loaded once but read many times. However when an object of Collector is passed to multiple goroutines I am facing increase in gorotines and ram usage whenever multiple goroutines are trying to use collector cache. Could someone explain if this usage of sync Map is correct. If yes then what might be the cause high number of goroutines / high ram usage


  • For sure, you're facing possible memory leaks due to not calling the cancel func of the newly created ctxWithTimeout context. In order to fix this change the line to these:

    ctxWithTimeout, cancelFunc := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), requestTimeout)
    defer cancelFunc()

    Thanks to this, you're always sure to clean up all the resources allocated once the context expires. This should address the issue of the leaks.
    About the usage of sync.Map seems good to me.
    Let me know if this solves your issue or if there is something else to address, thanks!