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Python Subprocess or BAT script splits argument on equal sign

How do I add this: -param:abc=def as a SINGLE command line argument?

Module subprocess splits this up in TWO arguments by replacing the equal sign with a space.

Here is my python script:

import subprocess

pa=['test.bat', '--param:abc=def']

Here is the test program test.bat:

@echo off
echo Test.bat
echo Arg0: %0
echo Arg1: %1
echo Arg2: %2

and here the output:

Arg0: test.bat
Arg1: --param:abc
Arg2: def
Press any key to continue . . .

Because the equal sign is gone, the real app will not be started correctly. By the way, this problem also seems to happen when running on linux, with a sh script instead of a bat file.

I understand that removing the equal sign is a 'feature' in certain cases, e.g. with the argparse module, but in my case I need to keep the equal sign. Any help is appreciated!


  • Welcome to .bat file hell

    To preserve equal sign, you'll have to quote your argument (explained here Preserving "=" (equal) characters in batch file parameters) ('"--param:abc=def"'), but then subprocess will escape the quotes

    Arg0: test.bat
    Arg1: \"--param:abc=def\"

    Good old os.system won't do that

    import os
    os.system('test.bat "--param:abc=def"')


    Arg0: test.bat
    Arg1: "--param:abc=def"

    Damn, those quotes won't go off. Let's tweak the .bat script a little to remove them manually

    @echo off
    echo Test.bat
    echo Arg0: %0
    rem those 2 lines remove the quotes
    set ARG1=%1
    set ARG1=%ARG1:"=%
    echo Arg1: %ARG1%
    echo Arg2: %2

    now it yields the proper result

    Arg0: test.bat
    Arg1: --param:abc=def

    Alternatively, stick to subprocess and remove quotes AND backslashes.