I need to display image from uri/filepath, big image 1300x1600 resolution. Need to maintain aspect ratio. i tried with coil but didn't give desirable result, still shows big image. not sure whats wrong here what i tried
val painter =
painter = painter,
contentScale = ContentScale.Fit,
contentDescription = null,
modifier = Modifier
.padding(16.dp, 0.dp, 16.dp, 0.dp)
.aspectRatio(painter.intrinsicSize.height / painter.intrinsicSize.width)
You are getting size unspecified
if one of view width/height is calculated as zero.
You can use something like:
painter = painter,
contentScale = ContentScale.Fit,
contentDescription = "contentDescription",
modifier = Modifier
.padding(16.dp, 0.dp, 16.dp, 0.dp)
(painter.state as? AsyncImagePainter.State.Success)
?.let { intrinsicSize ->
Modifier.aspectRatio(intrinsicSize.width / intrinsicSize.height)
} ?: Modifier