I have a reactive form with some dynamic field. I am trying to build a CRUD operation. Where "Create" is working fine but to update form I need to prepopulate fields. I can prepopulate the fields which are not in "FormArray" but as I am using some dynamic filed I want to show data in dynamic fields also.
Here is my sample payload which I have to prepopulate in form: `
scriptRunnerData: any = {
"workflow_name": "vvvv",
"runnerNodes": [
"script_name": "sample.py",
"script_file_content": "jhsvdfhskjdhfvksdj fksjd"
"script_name": "sample1.py",
"script_file_content": "sdfjhdsbf sjd fsjd sd dfsb dlfsdjf sd fls"
"executer_command": "dfhdhdjhkdfkdhfg.py",
"config_name": "config.json",
"config_file_content": "{\"name\":\"vvvv\"}"
I am passing modes 'create' and 'edit'. Create is working fine but for View I am getting error:
ERROR Error: Cannot find control with path: 'runnerNodes -> 0 -> script_name'and
ERROR Error: Cannot find control with path: 'runnerNodes -> 0 -> script_file_content'`
Here is my code: `
if(this.data.mode === 'create'){
console.log("data", this.data);
this.workflowAddForm = this.formBuilder.group({
workflow_name: '',
runnerNodes: this.formBuilder.array([ this.createRunnerNode() ]),
executer_command: '',
config_name: '',
config_file_content: ''
}else if(this.data.mode === 'edit'){
this.workflowAddForm = this.formBuilder.group({
workflow_name: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.workflow_name, disabled: false}],
runnerNodes: this.formBuilder.array([ this.createRunnerNode() ]),
executer_command: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.executer_command, disabled: false}],
config_name: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.config_name, disabled: false}],
config_file_content: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.config_file_content, disabled: false}]
createRunnerNode(): FormGroup {
if(this.data.mode === 'create'){
return this.formBuilder.group({
script_name: '',
script_file_content: ['', Validators.required]
}else if(this.data.mode === 'edit'){
this.scriptRunnerData.runnerNodes.forEach(node =>{
return this.formBuilder.group({
script_name: [{value: node.script_name, disabled: false}],
script_file_content: [{value: node.script_file_content, disabled: false}, Validators.required]
this.runnerNodes = this.workflowAddForm.get('runnerNodes') as FormArray;
this.runnerNodeLength = this.runnerNodes.controls.length;
Can anyone please suggest what exactly I have to do. Is
patchValue` will work here. How to use those methods with this scenario.
Thanks in advance.
I have modified createWorkflowAddFormBuilderObj()
if(this.data.mode === 'create'){
console.log("data", this.data);
this.workflowAddForm = this.formBuilder.group({
workflow_name: '',
runnerNodes: this.formBuilder.array([ this.createRunnerNode() ]),
executer_command: '',
config_name: '',
config_file_content: ''
}else if(this.data.mode === 'edit'){
const controls = this.scriptRunnerData.runnerNodes.map((c) =>
script_name: [{value: c.script_name, disabled: true}],
script_file_content: [{value: c.script_file_content, disabled: true}]
this.workflowAddForm = this.formBuilder.group({
workflow_name: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.workflow_name, disabled: true}],
runnerNodes: this.formBuilder.array(controls),
executer_command: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.executer_command, disabled: true}],
config_name: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.config_name, disabled: true}],
config_file_content: [{value: this.scriptRunnerData.config_file_content, disabled: true}]
Now it is working as expected.