I have this project, im creating a prophunt game, however im in a little road block that i can't understand.
Here is how my code works, I have a local script which tells me which team the player is in, since the player does not have a team yet they are always assumed as neutral, then the local script is called whenever the players are added, which a GUI appears, allowing for them to pick the team.
Heres what i did for the Local script GUI, I'm just learning this for now so not really the best way i could have coded it right now, but it does simulate what i want to happen.
if player.Team == TeamService.Blue then
Frame.Visible = false
Frame.Visible = true
local result = ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction:InvokeServer(TeamHiders)
if result == true then
Frame.Visible = false
Frame.Visible = false
Here's what i did for the server script to assign the players a team, I'm sorry I'm still fairly new to roblox so i don't know if my approach is correct im just going with what closely gets me to the output.
game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteFunction.OnServerInvoke = function (player, Team)
if Team == teamService.Blue then
player.Team = Team
return "player Team is blue"
if Team == teamService.Red then
player.Team = Team
return "player Team is red"
And here is my script for the Morph, so i got this click detector which should tell the game that whenever its clicked transform the player into whatever form this is scripted on.
local model = script.Parent.Parent
if player.Team == teamservice.Blue then
local oldCharacter = player.Character
local newCharacter = model:Clone()
newCharacter.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false
player.Character = newCharacter
newCharacter.Parent = workspace
The players under blue side should only encounter this once since the UI should only appear when they do not have a team or are loaded in the game, but what happens is the blue players whenever they morph into a block they encounter the GUI prompt again.
I was expecting by limiting the player teams to nil it would only show the UI, and if the player has a team already then the UI would not show itself, the same goes to when the player decides to morph the player UI should not be visible.
So turns out i can just turn off spawn on reset.