I use a proxy to monitor all property accesses on a class's instances, like in the following example:
class Person {
public ageNow: number;
public constructor(ageNow: number) {
this.ageNow = ageNow;
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
get: (target, property) => {
return target[property as keyof typeof target];
return proxy;
public ageIn10Years1() {return this.ageNow + 10;}
public get ageIn10Years2() {return this.ageNow + 10;}
Now when I do e.g.
const peter = new Person(18);
it prints 'ageInYears1'
, 'ageNow'
and 28
(in that order), as I expect.
However, when I do
i.e. use a getter, it also prints 'ageInYears2'
and 28
but no longer 'ageNow'
, although that property is clearly accessed.
Why is that and how can I fix it?
The getter use the original object not the proxy that you created
One solution is to call the getter function on the proxy.
class Person {
public ageNow: number;
public constructor(ageNow: number) {
this.ageNow = ageNow;
const proxy = new Proxy(this, {
get: (target, property) => {
const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Person.prototype, property);
if (descriptor && typeof descriptor.get === 'function') {
return descriptor.get.call(proxy);
} else {
return target[property as keyof typeof target];
return proxy;
public ageIn10Years1() {return this.ageNow + 10;}
public get ageIn10Years2() {return this.ageNow + 10;}
const peter = new Person(18);