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How can I write a function in R to calculate and plot a Kaplan-Meier curve depending on the independent variable?

I have a dataset my_data for survival analysis with

  • time until a certain event of interest,
  • status coded as 0 and 1, indicating whether the event has occurred or not at time, and
  • several factors (factor1, factor2, ...) that might influence the occurrence of the event.

I analyze the data in R, using the survival and survminer package, à la

surv_object1 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ factor1, data = my_data)

surv_object2 <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ factor2, data = my_data)


Instead of writing multiple lines of code, I would like to write a function that expects a factor as a variable and returns a survival plot.

So far, I have tried writing

survival_plot <- function(factor) {
    survival_object <- survfit(Surv(time, status) ~ factor, data = my_data)
    surv_plot <- ggsurvplot(survival_object)

However, when running


it returns

Error in eval(predvars, data, env) : object 'factor1' not found

I have already double checked the spelling of my factors, made sure, that the columns that I name do exist in my dataframe, and tried !!sym{}, but without any luck.

I also tried the solution pointed out here, but again without any success.

Even though I can write the lines as pointed out above, I am still wondering what I am doing wrong. Any help would be much appreciated!

A minimal working example should be


survival_plot <- function(factor) {
    s_obj <- survfit(Surv(rfstime, status) ~ factor, data = survival::gbsg)
    surv_plot <- ggsurvplot(s_obj)


And for the solution of this thread

survival_function <- function(strata_x) {
  gbsg$s <- Surv(gbsg$rfstime, gbsg$status)
  survFormula <- as.formula(paste("s ~", strata_x))
  my_survfit <- survfit(survFormula, data = gbsg)
  my_survfit$call$formula <- survFormula
  ggsurvplot(my_survfit, data = gbsg)



  • ggsurvplot will look in s_obj$call$formula to find what model was fit.

    You can e.g. make your own call, and use eval(parse()), or overwrite the wrong call. These both work:

    survival_plot <- function(factor) {
      call <- glue::glue('s_obj <- survfit(Surv(rfstime, status) ~ {factor}, data = survival::gbsg)')
      eval(parse(text = call))
      surv_plot <- ggsurvplot(s_obj)
    survival_plot2 <- function(factor) {
      form <- as.formula(glue::glue('Surv(rfstime, status) ~ {factor}'))
      s_obj <- survfit(form, data = survival::gbsg)
      s_obj$call$formula <- form
      surv_plot <- ggsurvplot(s_obj)

    Use as
