I'm using the python package lmfit
to fit my dataset with this model:
def GaussianFit(results, highest_num, Peak_shot, nuni, dif = None):
Gauss_mod = GaussianModel(prefix='gauss_')
Const_mod = ConstantModel(prefix='const_')
mod = Gauss_mod + Const_mod
pars = mod.make_params(gauss_center = ig, gauss_sigma = 1/12)
out = mod.fit(y_sel, pars, x = x_sel, weights = get_weights(last_sel,Peak_shot,nuni))
And the fit report looks like:
(Model(gaussian, prefix='gauss_') + Model(constant, prefix='const_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
# fitting method = leastsq
# function evals = 101
# data points = 18
# variables = 4
chi-square = 2.1571e-05
reduced chi-square = 1.5408e-06
Akaike info crit = -237.421693
Bayesian info crit = -233.860206
gauss_amplitude: 0.02133733 +/- 0.01122602 (52.61%) (init = 0.25)
gauss_center: 0.98316682 +/- 0.02152806 (2.19%) (init = 1.041587)
gauss_sigma: 0.11847360 +/- 0.04182091 (35.30%) (init = 0.08333333)
const_c: 0.09532047 +/- 0.01831759 (19.22%) (init = 0)
gauss_fwhm: 0.27898399 +/- 0.09848070 (35.30%) == '2.3548200*gauss_sigma'
I was wondering if it is possible to extract the gauss_center
and its error with two variables, instead of directly copying and pasting these results. Thanks!
will be the best-fit value for the gauss_center
parameter, and out.params['gauss_center'].stderr
will be its standard error.