This problem is already solved in How to find the nearest color in SQL but I don't know how to adapt the solution to the Cypher query.
First, you need to convert the color hex into Red, Green, Blue points using this sql. For example; '017fff' is vivid blue
select CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('017fff', 1, 2), 2)) AS R
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('017fff', 3, 2), 2)) AS G
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('017fff', 5, 2), 2)) AS B
select CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007ffe', 1, 2), 2)) AS R
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007ffe', 3, 2), 2)) AS G
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007ffe', 5, 2), 2)) AS B
select CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007fff', 1, 2), 2)) AS R
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007fff', 3, 2), 2)) AS G
,CONVERT(int, CONVERT(varbinary, SUBSTRING('007fff', 5, 2), 2)) AS B
Red | Green | Blue |
1 | 127 | 255 |
0 | 127 | 254 |
0 | 127 | 255 |
Secondly, create the nodes in neo4j using Spatial function (3D).
For example:
CREATE (:Color {coor: point({x: 1, y: 127, z: 255})}) //vivid blue
CREATE (:Color {coor: point({x: 0, y: 127, z: 254})}) //mostly pure blue
CREATE (:Color {coor: point({x: 0, y: 127, z: 255})}) //pure blue
Lastly, to calculate the distance (or closest distance), use this function.
For example:
MATCH (n:Color {coor: point({x:1, y:127, z:255})}), (m:Color)
WITH n, m, point.distance(m.coor, n.coor) as dist WHERE n <> m
RETURN n, m, dist ORDER by dist LIMIT 1
Answer: Pure blue is closest to vivid blue
│"given_color" │"closest_color" │"dist"│
│{"coor":point({srid:9157, x:1, y:127, z:255})}│{"coor":point({srid:9157, x:0, y:127, z:255})}│1.0 │