I've installed gnuplot 5.5 from git. Now it doesn't plot with automatic axis limits. Here is the graph produced with earlier version (5.3 or 5.4):
And this is plotted with current version:
Here is the command for this plot:
plot [][3.0145:3.5755] 3.04 w filledcurves x1 fc rgb "#d9d9d9" notitle, \
3.55 w filledcurves x2 fc rgb "#d9d9d9" notitle, \
for [i=1:11] 'gpdata.dat' every :::0::0 using 1:i+1 lt i+1 lw 3 ps 1.5 t word(elements,i) w linesp,\
3.04 w lines lw 4 lt 1 lc rgb "red" t 'Допуск',3.55 w lines lw 4 lt 1 lc rgb "red" notitle
When I set the limits explicitly: plot [:35064.46][3.0145:3.5755]
I get this:
i.e. the end points are hidden.
Is there a way to return previous behavior?
According to the StackOverflow "rules": no answer in the comments...
set xrange[:] noextend
should avoid the extension of the plotting range to the next "nice" tic. Check help noextend