Here is my simple working Sparql query:
SELECT DISTINCT ?period ?start ?end
?period isA "Period".
OPTIONAL { ?period hasStart ?start }. #hasStart
OPTIONAL { ?period hasEnd ?end }. #hasEnd
The thing is I'd like to add a variable in the select clause which is the duration between ?end and ?start, like this :
SELECT ... (year(?end)-year(?start) as ?duration)
As ?end and ?start may not be present in my DB, their value could be NULL and I'm getting this error : Function year needs a datetime, date or time as argument 1, not an arg of type DB_NULL
Is there a way to handle NULL values returned by an optional() keyword ? Thank you very much !
Yoy can use BOUND(?end)
and BOUND(?start)
for checking if such variables are bound.
?period ?start ?end
(IF(BOUND(?end) && BOUND(?start), year(?end)-year(?start), ?null) as ?duration)
?period isA "Period".
OPTIONAL { ?period hasStart ?start }. #hasStart
OPTIONAL { ?period hasEnd ?end }. #hasEnd